
Monday, November 24, 2014

My thoughts after the grand jury (Michael Brown)

No matter what you say there's a young man that has die. This may have been a justifiable  shooting. But at the end of the day the reason there's such an out rage is because there's so much dirty, nasty shit that goes on by the police here. We should still be out raged if not by this.. Then by the Flooded racist system that is in place. There's  so much wrong.. It's not just about #mikebrown. I hope people will be respectful of the dead (all those Michael Jackson fans that where saying you don't speak ill of the remember that now) Mike Brown may not have been an angel. It's funny how we will put things/people up on a pedestal. We live in a world where a lot of black man are guilty until proven innocent instead of  the other way around. I have a older brother how has never broken the law yet there was been gun pointed at him (by police more than 3 times) one time while with me in the car. There are communities where a black male is more likely to go to jail then graduate highschool. I just hope people don't losses site of the bigger issue of not Mike Brown but the other unnamed souls you don't know about that are dying by violence and also police brutality. Police brutality is a real issue that needs to be addressed. Along with other major issues that are affected by the black community poor, middle classed, or other wise. Be if it not you it can always be your brother, father, or son.