
Sunday, January 10, 2016

lost a year to dissocation| 1.1.16 update


  1. I've been trying my best to contact you. I couldn't use g+ and the comment section of YouTube is too cliche ( I also don't have a skype,) but I just wanna say tht your vlogs have given me hope. I am currently dealing with anorexia. And a video you made about your ED was really true and accurate. The feeling of reaching out for help but lowkey not wanting help is totally me. I'm looking forward to more videos in the future hopefully. Heck I might even start posting videos too!

    Email: niaking42@gmail.com

  2. Well if you start posting tell me so I can look you up. No one cares about my videos so there's no cliches on my channel that's more of a big Youtubers issue. So don't think that will happen on my videos. Most of the time you will only be talking to me anyway. If you want to pm me the best place to do it is fb @you can't die from Loneliness Living With BPD. I try to be good about reply to people there quickly as Tumblr (my tumblr is NSFW) so if you don't want to follow that understandable but I keep my fb pg13 and it not triggering at all. This blog well I suck at it I don't post much have the time when I make a video it doesn't make it up here so that's why I say fb. I also don't use Twitter either I have one but I don't do on it at all. I hope you know your worthy of the help you need. I know that sounds lame but I do mean it.
